Publications and Preprints
Cyclic Nielsen realization for del Pezzo surfaces,
(with Seraphina Lee and Tudur Lewis), In preparation.
Uniform estimates for random matrix products and applications, [pdf]
(with Omar Hurtado), Preprint.
(with Thomas Brazelton), Preprint.
(with Claudio Gómez-Gonzáles, Siddharth Viswanath, and Jesse Wolfson), MAA Focus, vol. 44, 2024, no. 4: 18-22. [Additional Materials]
J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle), to appear.
Translation from Russian.
Select Talks
Research Talks
Equivariant Monodromy and Moduli - Joint Math Meetings in Seattle, WA (January 2025)
Equivariant Monodromy and Moduli - Brown University Geometry/Topology Seminar (November 2024)
Uniform Central Limit Theorems on Lie Groups - UCSD Group Actions Seminar (October 2024)
Moduli and 4-Manifold Mapping Class Groups - University of Notre Dame Topology Seminar (April 2024)
Moduli and 4-Manifold Mapping Class Groups - University of Michigan: Ann Arbor Topology Seminar (March 2024)
Birman and Hilden, Enriques and Torelli - UCLA Algebraic Topology Seminar (February 2024)
A Smooth Birman-Hilden Theory for 4-Manifolds - Joint Math Meetings in San Francisco, CA (January 2024)
A Smooth Birman-Hilden Theory for 4-Manifolds - Texas Geometry and Topology Conference (November 2023)
The Geometry of Sextics and Resolvent Problems - Algebra, Geometry, and Topology Philadelphia Conference (May 2022)
Department Talks
Orbifolds and Their Applications to the SSH and Haldane Models - Condensed Matter Physics and Topology Seminar (Spring 2022)
Cohomology Computations for Condensed Matter Physicists - Condensed Matter Physics and Topology Seminar (Fall 2021)
Department Lecture Series
Ratner's Theorems and Their Applications (Spring 2021 Lecture Series) - Ergodic Theory Seminar